Live Sales Analyser

See what's happening on every till in every shop from anywhere in the world at any time.

Keep an eye on your business, wherever you are

The new cloud-based Live Sales Analyser tool allows monitoring of all sales activities, including staff and product performance, and gives you up-to-the-minute information of what is happening on each terminal, showing you where and by whom sales are being generated, and the level of takings in each drawer. You can even get daily email summaries and alerts of significant sales.

This new tool uses a web-browser interface and allows you to view multiple stores with one login. The interface is fast and simple, data is instant, and it's also responsive, so you can view it on tablets and smartphones too!

You can rename stores and tills to suit your setup, and set individual store targets and monitor when they're achieved. Set up staff competitions with prizes for the best staff.

At the end of the day, you can receive a daily email summary of total sales, total transactions, till balance and deposits.

Email summary

You can also elect to receive alerts when a sale over a preset threshold (for example, £500) is made in your stores. Thresholds can be individually set for each store.

The Live Sales Analyser is a standalone bsmart module which you can use from the PC in the office, or if working remotely you can log in from anywhere with any device with an internet/wi-fi connection and a web browser and check your business over a coffee!

Check out the example screenshots, then ask for a live demo.

  • Up to the minute, live, sales information
  • Review real time sales
  • Get daily summary emails at close of day
  • Get email alerts when a sale over a set value is made e.g. over £500
  • See what's happening on all your tills, at the same time

See it in action!



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